Monday, January 25, 2010

money,money,money,must be funny in a rich man's world.

so i've found this out regarding Hillsong International Leadership College:

pastoral leadership fee:4,169.12
recognition of prior learning application fee:135.949
application fee for overseas students:181.26
accomidation administration fee: 135.946
health cover premium:339.84
rental bond:362.21
mattress: 135.83

total= $5461.16 american dollars to attend hillsong college(and that doesnt include the approximate $250 cost of living a week.) thatd be about $6,031.08 in Australian dollars.

oh dear. thats a lot of moolahh. $5000 will be covered,praise the Lord.
as soon as this Europe trip saving is over with, I'm apparently gonna need to save money for a year of college life in Australia.
i know i can do it if it is truly God's will. i've saved so much this year to pay my way to Europe with the choir( i cannot wait for that!!only about 120 days left!!).
i just really wanna blow some big bucks,haha. im tired of saving money! oh well, i suppose this IS real life. hoorayy....

Perhaps this is what comes from singing "i will follow you anywhere you want me to" gets a person when they truly mean it. but honestly, i couldnt be more excited about the future. im not even scared anymore like i used to be. i have such a truly God given peace about after-high school plans that it amazes even me. other wise, i would be freaking out right about now!
thank you Lord for peace,overwhelming peace : )

go meat!

i love, i love meat oodles and oodles. i love meat far more than noodles.

all you vegetarians out there, you can have your soy cause im eating meat!

bacon may be the best invention in the world. 2nd is steak.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


sometimes i like to curl in to a ball.

not really. well,yes really, but thats beside the point.

do you ever sometimes just feel like you have so many thoughts racing through your mind that you just want to go FLAPERSNGALEFITZERGAGERBLAHMAHANASHA!!!!!! Really loudly? i hope im not the only one. but the catch here,not much pressing is really on my mind. i hope i dont absorb my time thinking to deeply on frivolous thoughts, but i hope that im doing all this thinking or planning or considering for something and not in vain. that would....that would suck.
but then at the same time, i have a ton going on in my head that i think is important...
oh who am i kidding?or am i kidding at all? oh my gosh, i confuse even myself.

sometimes, i just want to be something. at anything.i want to be genuinly superior at something. i really and truly do.
sometimes, i just want to know im great at anything. im done with being decent or good. can i be great at something?am i even known for being great at anything?
sometimes, i just want to know that i am captivating. not cute,pretty,nice, or interesting.adjectives as such are not quite fulfilling. i mean they are fine, but i truly desire to be captivating.i desire to be captivating from the inside out.
what do i think captivating is?lovely, pleasant demeanor that radiates. not only appearance speaking but in presence. something captivating is pure and breath taking. it has a light about it that is irresistable. it draws people to it.

is being captivating even an obtainable goal? is it possible for someone to possess even a few captivating qualities?
i hope so. my goal is to be captivating. pure and lovely.a joy. i learned just about last year that looking and acting like the world is over rated. for so long i tried to blend but still stand my ground. those two dont mix. i want to be known for something. i want to be known for being christ like, not just a christian(because that term has been nearly destoryed.has it not?) and Christ was truly captivating.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

who's gonna run this town tonight?

why is Run This Town by Rhianna and Jay Z and whoever else always pop in my head all the time?im not even the biggest fan of that song! it doesn't even make a whole lot of sense to me anyway: how can anyone not in political power or part of a mob run a town?
that's it! Rhianna and Jay Z must be mobsters.(or mobster and mobster-ette.)ah ha. thats how they "run the town"..i got cha now...

last night, Flood. got to play at an awesome Burn service at New Destiny AG,and it was an awesome time of prayer and continuous worship. God moves in such cool unexplainable ways!let me tell ya 'bout my beesst friend!:so,i was praying and singing and whatnot when Fire and Salem were playing and God just said "if you pick up your Bible and open it, i have something cool to show you". so i did. Ezekiel 37,the verses about the valley of dry bones(long story short:God leads Ezekiel through a valley filled with bones and God asks"can these bones live?" and so he responded"only you know". then God told him to prophecy over the bones and tell them that God said he would bring the bones together to form living bodies again.he would breathe his breathe of life into them and they would live again.and then..well just read 37:12-14 for yourself to get to the really good part!)and i was just thinkin "wow,this is like, God saying that we will be fully alive when he breathes his life into us.we wont be unpassionate or unexcited about God.we will be ready to stand in boldness and live life boldly as we are called to do. the cool part here:i shared that with my friend Macy and she was just like,oh my gosh, check this out: God had just said to her(and she wrote it down) i will breathe my breathe of life in you....
how cool is he!so clearly,when he says something:he means business. what he tells us sometimes,its not just for me,its not just for you: its for the benefit of all His children.

relatively similar thing happened last Sunday: God told me Sunday during second service "hey,your gonna wanna wear water-proof mascara tonight" and i got this strong feeling that God was going to move big time in the service. so i told Abby what he said and she said she felt the exact same way about how the night service was going to be incredibly filled with powerful things. another connection God has made.

last night, i really,really,really felt God leading me to share what he had showed me in the scripture,but i was freaking out! one of my biggest uncomforbilities(im not afraid of it,i just dont like to!) is speaking in public! but i shared what he told me too, and i made it through. since when do you ask me to prophecy something God? dont you know that i dont like speaking? stick me in front of any number crowd with a piano or a microphone to sing with,but speaking is a different story!
well, i guess thats what i get for just recently admitting that i would like to get over my fear of praying aloud in public!(due to a traumatic 8th grade experience..but that's another story.)

my,my, i write,ramble alot!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

i would like to know....

why on earth do people take pictures with their tongues out while looking off into no man's land and you can see their own arm in the picture because they took that very picture themselves...then post it on the world wide web and people say "oh what an amazing picture" .......?

why on earth is this thing called a dashboard or something?(maybe I'm just new to this whole thing,but i don't understand.)

why on earth i set three separate alarms in the morning because i refuse to simply press the snooze button because i do not trust it?(or maybe that's just me)

what really is the difference between a folk song and an art song and why does it matter?

why are 16 year olds supposed to have their entire future planned out already??

why does it take 21 days to make or break a habit? why 21?that's so random...

why do teachers give homework?really?is over 7 hours of education crammed down one's throat a day not enough??

why do cupcakes taste so much better(typically) than a slice of cake?

what makes the difference between a hot natured person or a cold natured one??

i wonder why curiosity killed the cat?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

new and improved

so i was just informed by my sister that Live Journal is for the birds..
still going to keep mine,but i will probably do this more.
still working things out! i am not very computer literate, but i try to just doesnt work out very well!

thought for the day:"if the devil doesn't like it,he can sit on a tack"...oh dear!a tack! i bet he goes running in fear from that..just like "a hedge of protection"..because I'm sure Satan cant get past shrubbery..

more later when i figure this thing out!