Monday, January 25, 2010

money,money,money,must be funny in a rich man's world.

so i've found this out regarding Hillsong International Leadership College:

pastoral leadership fee:4,169.12
recognition of prior learning application fee:135.949
application fee for overseas students:181.26
accomidation administration fee: 135.946
health cover premium:339.84
rental bond:362.21
mattress: 135.83

total= $5461.16 american dollars to attend hillsong college(and that doesnt include the approximate $250 cost of living a week.) thatd be about $6,031.08 in Australian dollars.

oh dear. thats a lot of moolahh. $5000 will be covered,praise the Lord.
as soon as this Europe trip saving is over with, I'm apparently gonna need to save money for a year of college life in Australia.
i know i can do it if it is truly God's will. i've saved so much this year to pay my way to Europe with the choir( i cannot wait for that!!only about 120 days left!!).
i just really wanna blow some big bucks,haha. im tired of saving money! oh well, i suppose this IS real life. hoorayy....

Perhaps this is what comes from singing "i will follow you anywhere you want me to" gets a person when they truly mean it. but honestly, i couldnt be more excited about the future. im not even scared anymore like i used to be. i have such a truly God given peace about after-high school plans that it amazes even me. other wise, i would be freaking out right about now!
thank you Lord for peace,overwhelming peace : )

1 comment:

  1. Hey you know I'm really proud of you. I've always admired your dedication and faith to God and his will. Keep on truckin' buddy!
